UK Funeral Industry
Each year there are over 600,000 cremations within the UK, performed at 311 crematoriums. The Carbon Legacy essential carbon offset that you purchase will offset the emissions no matter where your funeral is held. Two thirds of the crematoriums are council owned and government funding will be utilised to convert gas powered crematoriums to renewable electricity over the next 20 - 25 years. A third of these crematoriums are privately owned and your Carbon Legacy Offset will not only offset the emissions associated with the funeral, but also provide a fund that these Crematoriums can access to help fund the cost of replacing gas fuelled equipment with renewable electric fuelled equipment. Crematoriums can enquire about funding by contacting us.
How do I purchase my Carbon Legacy Offset?
Carbon Legacy Offsets are available to purchase now, or for a future funeral. Either here on our secure website or at your local funeral home, funeral directors or crematorium. If they haven’t heard of us ask them to visit our website or to drop us an email at