Funeral Carbon Emissions
How much carbon emissions are produced from a funeral?
Carbon emissions are released from both burial and cremation. A burial will result in slightly less carbon emissions than a cremation, however the vast majority of funerals are cremations, over 78%.
- For every gas cremation, approximately 245Kg of CO2 is released into the atmosphere*
- A funeral service including travelling of mourners etc is estimated to be 400Kg of CO2**
Carbon emissions totalling more than 154,000t of CO2 are released each year from cremations and funerals, equivalent of heating 56,000 homes in a town the size of Oxford, Cambridge or Carlisle ***
*** The average household in the UK emits 2.7 tonnes of CO2 every year from heating their home. The McKinsey Report
How do I purchase my Carbon Legacy Offset?
Carbon Legacy Offsets are available to purchase now, or for a future funeral. Either here on our secure website or at your local funeral home, funeral directors or crematorium. If they haven’t heard of us ask them to visit our website or to drop us an email at