
What are the benefits to using us?

By offsetting your associated funeral emissions with us we will not only offset the emissions from the funeral, we also ensure there is investment in internationally recognised carbon reduction schemes and help the independent UK crematoriums make that vital change from carbon intensive fossil fuels to renewable energy.

What is Carbon Offsetting and how does it work? 

Simply put, offsetting is a way to compensate for your emissions (individual or corporate) by funding an equivalent CO2 saving elsewhere. We purchase accredited Carbon Offsets and assign them to our registered customers’ associated funerals. Your affiliated projects are traceable so that you can track their performance. Carbon offsetting projects include renewable energy schemes (e.g., wind, solar or hydro power plants), carbon capture and afforestation programmes. These projects are verified and accredited by the world’s leading carbon registries such as the Gold Standard (WWF), Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and the United Nations.

Planting a tree to absorb emissions

In addition to offsetting the carbon emissions we also arrange for tree planting in the UK.

Our UK planting partner is Forest Carbon with locations across Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland. They are certified by the Woodland Carbon Code – which is supported by the UK government and internationally recognised by ICROA. Planting the ‘right tree in the right place’ is required though adherence to the Forestry Commission standards.



How do I purchase my Carbon Legacy Offset?

Carbon Legacy Offsets are available to purchase now, or for a future funeral. Either here on our secure website or at your local funeral home, funeral directors or crematorium. If they haven’t heard of us ask them to visit our website or to drop us an email at