Offset Your Funeral Emissions
When you purchase a Carbon Legacy Offset you not only offset you emissions in to an accredited offset scheme, but you also improve the UK’s environment and help fund independent crematoriums on their transition to a carbon neutral future.
What do I receive for my Carbon Legacy Offset?
When you purchase a Carbon Legacy Offset you will receive: -
- A certificate of registered Carbon Offset purchased, accredited by either Gold Standard, Verra or the United Nations.
- Information about the international project that your accredited Carbon Offset has supported.
- Confirmation of where your tree will be planted (note this is the area of planting, not tree specific coordinates).
- Quarterly newsletter with updates on the Carbon Legacy Offsets project and progress with the Crematoriums transition to renewable fuels.
How do I purchase my Carbon Legacy Offset?
Carbon Legacy Offsets are available to purchase now, or for a future funeral. Either here on our secure website or at your local funeral home, funeral directors or crematorium. If they haven’t heard of us ask them to visit our website or to drop us an email at